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For Activists by an Activist!

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A lot of people want to sell you solutions, but here is the dirty trick. Often these solutions encourage dependence on some outside person or product.

Rep My Block is entirely different.

Rep My block is an open source technology available on Github. This software can be run on any server independent of oversight or control.

Rep My block give activists and candidates the ability to get access to the voter database. Many times people engage in protests, but while these things create good photo opportunities, the fact of the matter is that only about 10% of these people vote. If you REALLY want to achieve change you have to focus your efforts and talk directly to voters. When politicans really want to win, this is the exact strategy that they engage.

Activism is highly controlled

Many follow the notion that we should "reject electoral solutions." This ideology is engineered specifically to discourage effective activism. During the 60's and 70's protests caused large disruptions in American society and now activism is highly controlled. How can you have a revolution if you can't even take over a ballot box?

"the Balot or the Bullet" was a speech made by Malcolm X and it is a good work to reference when seeking to understand today's struggle.

We have helped many people run for office and while many people dream of running for big offices such as Mayor, or President, it is like someone who has never played basketball in their life who signs up to try out for the NBA. Rather than shoot for positions that are out of reach it is better to start with smaller and achievable goals.

We are recommend that beginner candidates (which should include students) run for the position of County Committee. Half of all of these seats go uncontested .

County committee controls

  • the party leadership
  • nominates the judges
  • picks the ballot machines and helps determine rules for elections
  • and is involved in picking and supporting candidates with party resources for both regular and more sneakily special elections.
  • the priorities of the political parties

Knowledge of County Committe is highly suppressed. County Committee membership is for the most part comprised of Not for Profit leaders who get their funding from elected leadership and work as the political machine that maintains the status quo and keeps candidates and electeds under the control of the establishment.

Go to and register to set your account and get access to the free voter database.
You can run the software independently on your own server, but the database of names and cleaning up the errors in the Board of Elections database after injection of data into the program has already been done by us!

NY Voter registration

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Contact: 347-709-3001